Curative mind is an initiative by Ms. Kanupriya which aims to deal with mental health concerns.
Ms. Kanupriya has completed her MPhil in Clinical Psychology from Government Medical College and Hospital Chandigarh, Punjab University. Two years of rigorous training has helped her broaden the scope of study and apply theoretical knowledge to various problems encountered by individuals in day-to-day situations. She has completed her Masters in Applied Psychology from TATA Institute of Social Sciences. Undergoing training in community mental health during the initial years of her career has helped curate qualities of reflective and empathetic listening and understand the nuances of human behaviour across different settings.
She is a private practitioner based in New Delhi, India. She is also a visiting consultant at Aakash Hospital, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi and Perspective Psychiatric Clinic, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
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Simply talking about your thoughts and feelings with a supportive person can often make you feel better.
We recognize that making changes in your physical, emotional, and spiritual health is often difficult and overwhelming and our goal is to create a nurturing, open, inviting, and serene healing space to help you navigate all of life’s challenges.
Simply talking about your thoughts and feelings with a supportive person can often make you feel better.
30 minutes free for the first session.
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